New Delhi: The Supreme Court dissolved the committee formed for the interim management of the All India Football Federation. The Supreme Court passed an order handing over the day-to-day administration of the Federation to the Acting Secretary General. The Supreme Court has extended the election to the All India Football Federation’s Executive Council by a week.
The Supreme Court expressed hope that FIFA will lift the ban imposed on India once the interim governing body ceases to function. August 28 was the earlier deadline for completing the elections to the Executive Council. The Supreme Court extended it for a week. The Executive Council has a total of 23 members. Seventeen members are to be elected.
Important players will be nominated for the remaining six positions. The Supreme Court has suggested that four of them should be men and two women. 36 associations in states and union territories have the power to elect the executive. As per the recommendation given earlier by the interim governing body, 36 players apart from 36 associations had voting rights.
The interim governing body formed by the Supreme Court saw FIFA suspending India as external interference. Therefore, the central government has requested the court to immediately terminate the functioning of the interim governing body and give the responsibility of the day-to-day operations to the acting secretary general. The Supreme Court accepted this demand.